New FSX Setting ForceVCShadowMap

I have just stumbled across a new fsx.cfg setting ForceVCShadowMap. Jesus Altuve had mentioned that this setting existed in the past but with no explanation of what it might do.
In DX9 mode it does nothing, which I why I guess it was forgotten.

However in DX10 mode it seems to enable (force) VC cockpits for all aircraft regardless of the setting in the VC Model file.

To enable this locate the [Display] section and add


With this setting enabled there is no longer any need to use DX10Toolbox to turn the VC Shadows on in the model xml file.

If you are using DX10SceneryFixer there is another bonus to this new setting.

If you create a profile with

Legacy Aircraft Self Shadow ticked in the Legacy Dialog

HD Shadows unticked in the Shadow Dialog

Force VC Walls ticked

Then with luck you should find that you have VC Shadows in your legacy FS9 aircraft as in this Ilyushin Il-18


I shall see if I can enable HD Shadows for these aircraft in the next release.


About stevefsx

I don't use FSX that much. But I am very annoyed when it doesn't work properly!
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40 Responses to New FSX Setting ForceVCShadowMap

  1. Steath Sean says:

    I need help due when I spawn my 737NGX with Dx10 on its. It only shows gauges. Same happen to my 777.

    • stevefsx says:

      Do you have highmem fix?

      • Steath Sean says:

        On fsx.cfg it says HIGHMEMFIX=1( It’s unclear whatever its need to turn off). Also, I can’t make the VC softened and smooth.

      • stevefsx says:

        sorry I don’t know then perhaps try asking pmdg for help. There is no reason I know of for an aircraft built with fsx sdk not to appear normally in fsx dx10

      • stevefsx says:

        It might be worth rebuilding the shaders. I am assuming that you don’t have the fixer as I cannot find an order for your email btw. Without the fixer the easiest way is to delete the directory
        \AppData\local\microsoft\fsx\Shaders10 if using DVD version or if using the steam edition replace fsx with fsx-se in that path.

      • Steath Sean says:

        Do DX10 Scenery Fixer will fix the VC Shadow It clearly doesn’t say Dx10 fixer not scenery
        but I’m confused If DX10 Scenery Fixer will only work with lights, maps, Weather and others.

      • stevefsx says:

        If you select features from the menu there is a description of what the product does. There are also two reviews that you can read linked from the reviews menu.

        Yes it does improve the shadows in the vc.

      • Steath Sean says:

        Ok, Thank you steve I understand. I will get that DX10 Scenery Fixer in future.

  2. Holger says:

    Hi again,
    i finally managed the issue thanks to Steve!
    here the line i added for the 738wl
    light.2 = 10, 59.205, 0.0, 7.500, fx_dx10shield
    the light is activated by the “L” bottom (i just didn´t type the small letter so nobody reads is as i by mistake) Thanks again :)))

  3. Holger says:

    Hi there again, i tried it with the default aircraft and it worked when i turned all light on with the l bottom. but, i mostly fly the ngx….here it does not work

  4. Sid Kulk says:

    Hello Steve..I hav entered the tweak for the cockpit shadow…the ForceVCShadowMap=1..and as I enabled the Dx10 mode…the cockpit shadows appear cubical…there are no smooth edges to them…they black ice cubes in cockpit! will be really helpful if u find a solution to it….

    • stevefsx says:

      The tweak enables VC shadows for a small number of aircraft which don’t otherwise have it enabled.

      You don’t need it for e,g the default Cessna.

      The quality of the shadows depends on what you have installed from me, the size of the aircraft and the sun angle.

      With default dx10 the shadows are poor

      Installing the free patches from avsim improves the shadows quite a bit

      Dx10 scenery fixer improves them again and offers hd shadows which are a big improvement for large jets.

  5. Holger says:

    Hey Steve
    unfortunately the vcshadows are not working in my ngx. but when i turn around in the placing mode they show up, when i stop to see them they disappear. Maybe you can help me. thx a lot!

    • stevefsx says:

      Do you have a eye tracking camera? Try ticking ezdok

      • Holger says:

        can you help me fixing a Problem with the German Airports 3 Tegel X scenery? DEpending on the angle i look at the lights at night i can see them or not. when i turn off dx10 they´re visible. IS there any chance to make them constant visible with dx10 turned on. Thanks a lot for your time

      • stevefsx says:

        It sounds like you need to install a light field for the airport see the manual for instructions.

      • Holger says:

        Hi again!
        i unpacked the zip and copied the file into the scenery folder of aerosoft tegel and converted the effects. unfortunately there´s no change.

      • Holger says:

        Hi, little Update here. I got the lights working from each angle by putting the bgl file into a folder and into the scenerylibrary. unfortunately now they´re flashing. Maybe you can help me to stop this, then everything is fine. Thx for your time and help in advance 🙂

  6. Pazzini says:

    Hi. I’m using Fixer v2.7 and I got VC shadows on my NGX and 777X… just make sure to install the latest version on those PMDG addons.

  7. Eric says:

    The PMDG 777 used to work great. When they released SP1C it somehow made the VC shadows no longer work….

  8. Gerard Cabezón says:

    Hi Steve, thanks a lot for this new contribution.

    I ever have had problems with the vc shados in the Realair Duke B60 v2, a relatively new add on. Using DX10Toolbox I got great shadows, but when I activated ForceVCShadowMap=1, I lost them again… What do you suggest with this aircraft?

    Thanks and keep this great work alive!



  9. Jim H. says:

    Looks like a great find! I wonder how many other secrets FSX has, waiting to be discovered.

  10. adamski123 says:

    Agreed – amazing find! I gave it a quick test … and found that the first three aircraft I tried that I knew had no VC shadows (and hadn’t been modified by DX10Toolbox) worked instantly with that fsx.cfg setting.

  11. 4evercool says:

    777 doesn’t work as well… Is the issue with NGX that white box with PMDG logo around the cockpit that can be seen when moving far outside the VC?

  12. Richard says:

    Wow, this is an amazing find!

    Can’t wait to try this out for the NGX or do you already know if it will work with that v/c?

    • stevefsx says:

      Sorry but the issue with the NGX is different

      • Richard says:

        Ah, too bad.

        So I take it that means you already know this won’t work with the NGX?

      • WebMaximus says:

        OK, that’s too bad and I take it you already tried it and know for a fact this won’t work for the NGX?

      • stevefsx says:

        Yes the issue with the 737 is the box surrounding the VC. Sit in the VC and move up or right well outside the aircraft and you will see it. Shadows are actually working perfectly – its just that if you were sitting in a aircraft cockpit surrounded by a sealed box everything would be in shadow and that is just what FSX concludes! I think that all that they would need to do is set the FSX material property No Shadow on the box, but at the end of the day its their choice.

    • Bob says:

      Just tried it on the Duke b60 v2 and wow the vc shadows are a big improvement, also tried it with just the line in the fsx.cfg file without the other adustments in the fixer and the was the same.
      keep on rolling them out Steve

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